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"I also can unconditionally attest to his ability to creatively and cooly manage a large and diverse staff under fast moving and difficult conditions. More important is a quality which is difficult to quantify: He worked an average of 3700 hours per year, each vacation cancelled by the next emergency, always available for any problem, and always the conciliator when the various attorneys became tense under the strain. I would have the highest trust and confidence in Carl's ability to handle any legal or managerial situation, he has a rare combination of ability, unshakable ethics and solid common sense."

--Executive Dir., Merril Lynch Private Capital








"After the filing of 5 motions, 4 major components of the discovery effort, and [Hartmann's] taking of a single day of depositions, the plaintiff offered a virtually complete capitulation vithin days. I considered this to be a total, and virtually unprecedented victory--due in large part to the legal skills and managerial ability of Carl Hartmann.

"The last component of the process involved dealing with the foreclosure, purchase and title-related research with
respect to 300 acres of the most confused real estate that any of the real estate professionals working on the matter had ever seen. This was completed, and the property readied for sale. In dealing with these matters, Carl directed the compilation of a complete database of references to Virgin
Islands property law and conveyancing, dealt with the original developers, and co-managed a project which required integration of complex leqal and cartqraphic issues and a sophisticated aerial/computer mapping effort. He also directed a simultaneous analysis of hundreds of easements, title prablems and related due diligence concerns."

--Executive Dir., Merril Lynch Private Capital